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For Realtors
Stay Connected with SMS
You can create your own profile with a personalized message with your photo to go out to your clients with the inspection report.
Ex. "I have received the inspection report as well so sit back, I am already working on addressing the issues and will be in contact shortly"
You will also be able to keep inspections organized and have them at your fingertips by creating a mobile link to your device.
This all starts by texting me your, Name, Number and Email.
Pre-listing Inspection Program

With the Pre-listing Pregame you will have the opportunity to correct any major defects or safety concerns that are reported and Fletcher's Home Inspections will provide one free re-inspections of items corrected with an updated inspection report to obtain the Move-In Certified logo!

Free Negligent Referral Protection for Real Estate Agents

InterNACHI® is so sure of its inspectors that it will indemnify any licensed real estate agent in an amount up to $10,000 if a third party successfully sues the agent for negligent referral of an InterNACHI® inspector. This protection is offered at no cost to agents who register.

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